Who took advantage of Amazon's prime sales? I finally got a stainless steel spaghetti spoon.

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I waited for the Amazon Prime sale days and I got some items that I was waiting for to get at great savings.  I was more interested in getting the stainless steel spaghetti spoon.  The main objective was to get the spaghetti spoon.

I wanted to save big on other items.  And, I did.  I want to show you the stainless steel spaghetti spoon, just let me tell you how I looked in stores.

I looked for a long time for a spaghetti spoon in the stores.  And I only saw spaghetti spoons made of plastic.
And I have never seen a stainless steel spaghetti spoon and I wanted a stainless steel spaghetti spoon.

To me, it is my spaghetti spoon.

